Although the process of appointing a Supreme Court
Justice is a very good and thorough process, it is also synonymous with
partisan politics. The process begins with the President of the United States,
who nominates a candidate. This procedure is provided for by the United States
Constitution within the Appointment
Clause (Article II, Section 2, clause 2). It states that the President “shall
nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall
appoint…Judges of the Supreme Court.”
Since there are no formal qualifications for a
federal judgeship and because the rule of senatorial courtesy is largely
inoperative, the President has a much freer hand in naming individuals to the
court than in any other nominations. From there the nomination is sent to the
Senate Judiciary Committee (SJC) for consideration. The SJC then takes usually
about a month to investigate and vet the nominee, which later results in a SJC
hearing where Senators question the nominee about his or her background and
The Senate then debates the nomination. The Senate
has a practice, known as filibustering,
that allows them to hold unlimited debates, usually used to block a nomination.
There is, however, Senate rule (XXII) called “the cloture rule” that enables Senators to end a filibuster. The
cloture vote requires the votes of at least three-fifths of all Senators
(normally 60 votes). At the conclusion of the debate, the Senators cast their
votes and the nomination is confirmed with a simple majority vote (or more than
half of the valid votes cast). In the case of a tie the Vice President of the
Unites States, who presides over the Senate, casts the deciding vote.

Once selected to the Supreme Court, the appointee
can hold the office for the rest of his or her life, barring impeachment or
retirement. One recommendation of opponents of this rule is to have a fixed
term for all Supreme Court appointees that is less than that time period, say
ten years. Knowing the power of the position and how even just one appointee
can change laws dramatically, there should be a shorter term for all
appointees; ten years would be sufficient and fair. This first recommendation
will also help with the second recommendation: seniority on a state court level should be a major consideration for
service on the Supreme Court. Experience is usually considered a positive
quality, but for several reasons, in this case, experience is seen as a
detriment to appointments.
A major reason for this is that those with many
years of statewide court experience yield a long record of controversial cases,
which will open the nominee up to more Senate scrutiny during confirmation.
Another obstruction tool that the Senate uses, much like the filibuster, is the
blue slip policy. This process holds
that a nominee’s home-state Senator (nominee of lower federal courts) can use a
blue slip to oppose a nomination. If the nominee’s home-state Senator does not
return the slip or returns an opposition to the nomination, the nomination will
most likely go down in defeat. This policy is something that should be
discarded, as it seems to be used at this point only for devious political
reasons. That is, if the President does not select the individual preferred by a home-state Senator, the offended home-state Senator can delay or prevent committee action on a judicial nomination for almost any personal, political, or arbitrary reason.
If the consideration on whether or not the nominee
is a political activist or not was not held as such a big consideration. It is
clear that everyone is somewhat of an activist in their views and ideologies.
This should not affect their ability to effectively manage their time on the
court. After all, their job is to interpret Constitutional law, and their
ideologies are naturally going to come into view. This blocking mechanism is
only used as a partisan tool to block an appointee that has different political
views than they do.